Catastrophic Injury Wrongful Death

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 Defective Products 

Did you know that our U.S. government's Consumer Products Safety Commission has absolutely no authority to recall a dangerous product?


I have won trials for catastrophic injuries and deaths caused by defective and dangerous: home & garden goods; toys; medical devices; pharmaceuticals; vehicles; aircraft; and boats. 

What is a Defect?

A product can be defective if it hurts someone because of a faulty design, manufacture or type and/or placement of warnings.  A product manufacturer, designer, wholesaler and/or retailer can be liable if a new product injures someone and fails to perform as expected by the consumer or its danger outweighs its usefulness.

What to do.  
If injured by a product, immediately take photos of the product and any injuries. Do not discard, alter or return the product. A product claim cannot be brought if the product is altered or lost. Keep any receipts, original packaging and any communications with anyone regarding the item.    


Product claims are demanding and expensive to litigate. Big companies fight hard to protect their reputations -- and bank accounts. In one case, my expert charged more than $300,000, but proved that a microscopic defect on an electric relay caused an airplane crash.

I have personally tried defective product claims before a Jury to verdict.



My client, a skilled and competitive shooter, was severely injured when his custom holster caused his pistol to accidentally fire due to a manufacturing defect. He was thankful for my ability to resolve his claim without filing suit after 6 other law firms turned his case down.    

If someone you know has been fatally or  catastrophically injured by a dangerous or defective product, please call me at 904.355.6000.


The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask for free information about my qualifications and experience.